Tempo provides a home workout experience that feels like having your own dedicated personal trainer, complete with evaluation of your form, counting reps and more.

Tempo needed to figure out how to launch, scale and manage affiliate and influencer marketing and Round Barn Labs nailed it for us. While managing acquisition marketing, Round Barn Labs was my favorite agency to work with and hands down the best data driven affiliate marketing agency I have worked with.

Nick Wooten
Head of Growth

Our Challenge

Compete with competitor’s high budgets in digital and TV ads in an emerging product category.


Lift in Sales <6 Months
New Brand Ambassadors <6 Months

Our Solution

A three-prong affiliate approach

Agile & High-Touch Collaboration

RBL’s affiliate experts dedicate more time to each client’s needs, with an industry-leading 3:1 client-to-expert ratio

Diversified Approach

We recruited and supported a diverse set of brand ambassadors, leveraged Search Engine Optimization tools, and undertook a detailed promotional analysis

Strategic Approach to Affiliate Mix

We selected and managed a diverse array of potential partners

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